A superb patching cable is essential for amplified guitars where unwanted noise can be a critical problem. Mogami Gold Instrument RR offers outstanding performance, when linking effects pedals that...
The absolute highest quality guitar pedal/accessory cable on the planet, Platinum Guitar/Instrument RR provides beyond belief transparency that you'll notice on your next performance or recording...
Platinum Performance for the Stage
Mogami has added a ruggedized Platinum-level cable series to meet the unique demands of electric guitarists. The new Overdrive Series includes guitar and speaker...
If you want to preserve the unique personality of your electric guitar, look no further than Mogami Gold Instrument cable. This high clarity cable has a high density shield and the finest quality ¼"...
Funk, hip-hop, heavy metal, smooth jazz, no matter what your style is Mogami Platinum Cable delivers all the emotion of your performance without loss, coloration or exaggeration. Our Platinum series...
This cable is designed to interconnect electric guitar pedal effects. Right-angle plugs allow close spacing of pedal effects on pedalboards. Features Serviceable, all-metal plugs for live-sound...
This cable is designed to interconnect electric guitar pedal effects. Right-angle plugs allow close spacing of pedal effects on pedalboards. Features Nickel-plated plugs for rugged durability and...
Hosa Edge Guitar Cables are designed to provide a lifetime of outstanding performance. Genuine Neutrik®plugs combine with world-class manufacturing techniques to deliver the most neutral, dynamic...