Awesome Vocoding, Streamlined
Add pristine vocoder sounds to your projects quickly and easily with ORANGE VOCODER NANO, the streamlined sibling of our legendary ORANGE VOCODER IV. Packaging a selection of its bigger brother's plethora of excellent sounding algorithms and functions into a straight-forward and cost-effective solution, ORANGE VOCODER NANO sounds fat and beefy, crystal clear, butter smooth, and anything in-between.
The ORANGE VOCODER NANO features at a glance
- Four cutting-edge vocoding algorithms from ORANGE VOCODER IV: Advanced LPC-35 Medium, Online ICA Butter, Speech Model Detailed, and the zero latency Analog Model Live Tight.
- Formant shifter with +- 12 semitones range.
- Monophonic sawtooth synthesizer as carrier, with 24db low-pass filter, legato glide and vibrato via mod-wheel. Controllable via MIDI or on-screen keyboard.
- 3-way mixer for input, vocoder and synthesizer.
- Super-subtle chorus effect for sweetening.
- Supports AU (Mac only), AAX Native, VST 2.4 and VST 3 on macOS and Windows.
- Awesome sound & lightning fast operation.
- Upgrade path to ORANGE VOCODER IV available.